YCRC Organizational Goals for 2023

YCRC Organizational Goals for 2023
The Regional Chamber regularly reviews the changing needs of business in our area and addresses those needs by
developing and working towards focused annual goals. Many initiatives have a direct impact on our members, while
others ensure the relevance and sustainability of our organization.
View our Organizational Goals for 2023 below and visit this link for related video content.
In the area of Advocacy, we aim to establish a master list of issues impacting local business, and then strategically work with area partners, local government leaders, and elected officials to do what's best for business in York County. We accomplish these goals in a variety of ways:
- Polling - we conduct periodic surveys and small group sessions to gain insight on both specific items of interest and on big-picture issues.
- Events - we host small audience events and larger informational programs, all providing access to local elected officials while hosting constructive discussions on local issues.
- Video Updates - during each Legislative Session we gather the latest updates from Columbia and produce quick and easy-to-follow video summaries, keeping our members up-to-date on the issues that impact their businesses.
Through this initiative we bring education, business, and workforce partners together to create high-quality, sustainable workforce solutions for York County. Our work in 2023 begins and ends with activating our Talent Pipeline Management initiative. To do this we will:
- establish a Talent Task Force made up of key players in the areas of workforce training, recruitment, and retention;
- identify and select a highly dedicated group to reinvent and relaunch our Regional Chamber Foundation; and
- raise significant funds to support individualized Talent Concierge services for local businesses, provide high-level training to our staff and volunteers, and provide informational programs for area employers.
More than ever, companies are feeling the need to actively identify and train young talent, while many young managers find themselves in leadership positions much earlier than planned. Our role is simply to help prepare both employer and employee for inevitable change by cultivating leadership skills in our current and future workforce. We approach this goal by providing opportunities to students from K-12 through higher education, and to entry-level, middle, and senior management workers. Those opportunities include:
- a hands-on training workshop through professional organizations such as Franklin Covey
- programs to focus on individual skill-building and community leadership such as our traditional Leadership York County (LYCO) program and our LYCO 2.0 offering (set to launch in the fall of 2023)
- ways to engage students and young professionals through partnerships with area educational institutions and other special recognition events like our Ones to Watch under-40 program.
Our own DEI statement reflects our intention to make all individuals feel welcomed, valued, respected and heard. Making DEI a priority initiative means that we support and encourage all businesses to join in this important work. In the coming year we will:
- establish a DEI taskforce to ensure intentional decision-making both internally as a self-auditing function, and externally in an effort to set an example within the business community.
- provide DEI resources and educational opportunities to businesses including practical guidance on every day practices such as
- how to create/post job openings that ensure a diverse workforce by using inclusive language,
- developing (and maintaining) a DEI statement that truly reflects the company's values,
- and when/how to communicate internal activities and external statements
If your organization is not yet a part of our chamber, set up an appointment with our Membership Team here, or click here to find out which level of membership best matches your organizational goals.
Additional Info
Related Links : https://www.yorkcountychamber.com/organizational-goals/